Sunday, January 9, 2011

Boxing Day

Today is Boxing Day, the day after Christmas. Boxing Day is just a bank holiday. The special thing about Boxing Day is the pantomime. A pantomime is a play, but more of a comedy than an actual play. The one that we saw was Aladdin. It was very different, though. It was set in China and all of the songs were different and the all of the characters except for Aladdin were different. The characters were Aladdin, Princess Baroobudum, Jafar, Sweep the dog puppet, Sooty the bear puppet, Soo the panda puppet, Widow Twankey (Aladdin's mom), the emperor, genie, and extras like dancers, guards and villagers. The play started off with all the villagers singing about Aladdin and Aladdin coming on singing about his life of crime. Aladdin has a friend named Sooty. Sooty is a dog puppet that goes with Aladdin everywhere. They then sing a song about "Where is Sooty?" which is about, where Sooty is. It then shows you Jafar and he talks about how he wants the magic lamp to rule the world. He sings a song, and back to Aladdin. Aladdin tells us about how he's in love with Princess Baroobudum but if anybody finds out he'll be killed.
Back in the palace Princess Baroobudum is telling her friend, Soo the panda puppet, about how she's in love with a village boy she saw. The village boy, coincidentally, being Aladdin. Jafar then finds Aladdin and tricks him into taking the lamp from a cave but traps him in the cave when Aladdin won't give him the lamp. Aladdin rubs the lamp and out comes the genie. Aladdin wishes for a magic rug and out they go flying through the sky. He wishes to be a prince so he can marry Princess Baroobudum. Before the marriage Jafar shows up and steals the lamp and kidnaps Princess Baroobudum. Sooty, Sweep,Soo and Aladdin show up to save her and steal the lamp back. Of course, they succeed and Aladdin and Princess Baroobudum get married. Of course this is only a very basic version of the plot line and there are songs and jokes and audience interaction and I didn't even mention the mom! Tomorrow we're exploring the city and going to London. I'll have more news tomorrow!

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